Accept you been clouded with negative thoughts lately? Is the depression taking over and you tin't seem to identify the reason? Well, and then it'southward time to offer a smudging prayer!

Why do we say so? Because, every being, every place and everything existing in this world has its own energy: positive or negative. Both energies accept a meaning impact on our lives. The unwanted energies tin not only bear on your mental well-beingness but also your physical wellness (but so does positive energy!).

Yet, when the negative energies penetrate your space – mental, spiritual, physical body or the environment – it's time for a cleansing ritual. Which brings me back to smudging prayers. Yep, you guessed it right, it'south a cleansing ritual to aid you start anew and refreshed. Let'southward dig in for the details:

What is Smudging Prayer?

Information technology is one of the about efficient ways of cleansing your space from negative energies. Information technology is usually conducted by burning sacred plants so that the fume thus emitted purifies the environs.

Smudging rituals are historic period-quondam traditions widely practiced past native Americans to cleanse listen, body spirit and environment. It is usually performed by burning plants and sacred herbs like white sage to invite positive free energy and become rid of the unwanted ones. It is believed that the smoke so emitted ascends forth with our wishes and intentions to mingle with the universe.

This was the basis of the smudging process. When you combine it with a articulate intent and a powerful prayer, the impacts can chop-chop intensify – and this is what is called a smudging prayer.

When Do Yous Need to Perform a Smudging Prayer?

If y'all go back direct to the outset line, you volition observe that I have already answered this question.

Hither's a recap: Whenever you feel there's a block in your positive thoughts or it's been greatly replaced past negative thoughts. Smudging prayer tin can help you overcome it and regain your peace and bliss.

The primary purpose of a smudging ceremony is to gear up a grand welcoming in the form of clean space for all the invited angels, corking spirits and ancestors. Thus, if y'all wish to manifest on the positivity that they bring along, offer smudging prayers!

Everything You Need to Know about Smudging Prayer
Everything You Need to Know almost Smudging Prayer

Before Yous Brainstorm the Smudging Prayer Process

1. Don't rush

Don't rush
Don't blitz

Scared acts tin can backfire you lot when conducted hastily. Hence it'due south best to allow yourself enough fourth dimension. You lot tin also meditate for some 5 or x minutes to at-home your mind and center.

2. Make way for the smoke

Make way for the smoke
Make way for the smoke

Open all your airtight drawers, cabinet and every other slice of article of furniture effectually the firm. Additionally, pull back curtains, open the blinds and all the doors and windows. This is done to permit the negative energies (in the form of smoke) to get out your space.

3. Your intent matters

Your intent matters
Your intent matters

The intention is the cardinal to every spiritual ceremony, let lonely smudging. Thus, take some time to introspect and contemplate. Figure out all the wishes for you lot and your family.

iv. Focus on the blocks

Focus on the blocks
Focus on the blocks

Now that you take your intentions divers, redirect your mind to all the things that accept been blocking you recently. Focus on unblocking yourself from the unwanted energies effectually you.

5. Clean the surface area

Clean the area
Clean the area

The area or infinite where you are organizing your smudging ceremony must be free of dust, dirt or other impurities. While the deep-cleaning will be taken care of by the smudging process, vacuuming will requite you a fresh start.

The Process of a Smudging Prayer

Footstep 1

To brainstorm the process, calorie-free the sage or the smudge stick that you accept chosen. Now fan the smoke with your plume or paw and permit the smoke spread all effectually y'all and the environs. In instance you face difficulty in lighting the smudge, yous can occasionally accident on it to keep the embers burning.

Step 2

Once you have a steady smoke, begin to motility around the house. Walk clockwise and be mindful while moving. Allow the smoke to every corner in your house – on the staircase, at the back of the furniture, nighttime and hidden corners everywhere. This process is called circumambulation and tin help in making your space more than sacred.

Step 3

Accompany it with a smudging prayer. The words and the length do not thing as long equally it aligns with your intent. However, you can consider rhyming, I think it somehow stays with us. IF you don't have a defined prayer yous can also chant 'Om' with all your wishes in listen. To help you further, I take discussed a few prayers later in this call up-piece.

Step four

Once the fume is spread everywhere and y'all wish to extinguish the lit smudge stick, you lot can simply put information technology out in an ashtray like a cigarette. You tin can also use the sand you kept aside while collecting the ingredients.

Ingredients You Will Need to Offer Smudging Prayers

Now that yous are aware of its basic concept and the need, allow's move ahead to equip you with this procedure. But before that, you demand to assemble your materials. Hither's a list to begin with:

one. Smudge Sticks

Smudge Sticks
Smudge Sticks

Smudge sticks are zero just the bundles of sacred plants you use for burning. While there's a listing of plant materials yous tin apply for smudging. Let me cite the most common ones in details:

White Sage

Sage is the queen of all cleansing scents considering of its' surreal spiritual powers. The sage is available in various forms but the two most common ones are White sage and Dessert sage. Since dessert sage has a potent smell and is comparatively messy, white sage is preferred for cleansing rituals.

Fact check: Scientific discipline says that burning sage can remove over 90% of bacteria in the air.

Palo Santo

Palo Santo is a sacred forest and carries amazing healing properties. I of the chief reasons why it is endangered. When used for smudging prayer information technology generates a sugariness, vivid and minty energy to keep you energized and positive for the entire solar day.

Fact Check: The use of Palo Santo dates back to the Inca era (Andean civilizations)


The spiritual significance if the cedar tree goes back to thousands of years. Cedar leaves are widely used as a purification agent and the smoke from burning this sacred plant is believed to concenter skilful energies and spirits.

Fact Bank check: Called-for cedar calms restless children and even acts as a disinfectant.


Sweetgrass comes in long braids and has a very sweetness smell. It'south used by the Native Americans to promote happiness, open-heartedness, and harmony. At times, the smell is and then pleasant that information technology defeats the sacred white sage also.

Fact Cheque: When burnt, sweetgrass can provide relief to people suffering from common cold and cough.

Combine Palo Santo and white sage to amplify the influence. The combination can be miraculous in terms of spiritual well-beingness. You can too endeavor the combination of muzzle-cedar. It is a potent combination with a credible history of extracting unbelievable benefits from smudging prayers.

2. Candle or matches

Candle or matches
Candle or matches

You will need a burn amanuensis or something that tin help you low-cal your smudge sticks. Keep a candle handy along with friction match sticks or lighter.

3. Abalone shells/Fireproof container

Abalone shells/Fireproof container
Abalone shells/Fireproof container

Abalone shells are used past Native Americans to catch any ash that falls during the smudging process. Information technology besides has a spiritual significance, i.due east. it is a representative of h2o since it is found in the oceans. However, in instance you don't have an abalone crush, you can also use a fireproof container or a bowl underneath the smudge stick.

4. Plume


For Native Americans, feathers bring in the air element. Practically it used to fan the smoke and enrich the environs with its positive properties. You tin can also use your hand in the absence of a feather.

During old times, smudging prayer was more of a spiritual activity than a cleaning procedure – thus the Native Americans also played drum or drumming music representing the beat of the heart. Thus, if you wish to perform the smudging process in an ethnic form, even you lot can include drum(south) in your ceremony.

Continue a basin of sand handy at all times during the smudging process. Information technology will help yous extinguish the burning smudge stick after the ritual or in example of emergencies.

Additional Tips for a Powerful Smudging Prayer

ane. Perform in 24-hour interval-lite

Perform in day-light
Perform in 24-hour interval-lite

It is highly recommended to perform the smudging ritual in daylight. The natural light from the sunday when coupled with the power of smudging will magnify the bear upon and will help burn the negative energies faster.

2. Sit down and relax

Sit down and relax
Sit down and relax

One time you are finished, accept time to sit and inhale the positive free energy. Visualize all the negative energies dispersing and the positive spirits inbound your infinite. Close your eyes, take deep breaths and you will naturally feel different energy – a lot happier and a lot less anxious.

3. Wear an amulet

Wear an amulet
Wear an amulet

You tin also wear some items of protection to prevent the negative energy from inbound you. An amulet, talisman, gemstone or annihilation else that can act as a layer of protection. Quartz stone is believed to absorb negative energy and can prove to exist an excellent pick.

iv. Cease with gratitude

Finish with gratitude
Finish with gratitude

Native Americans believe that when the smoke stops rolling, that's when the cleansing is complete. Well, voluntarily or naturally – whenever the fume stops billowing, what's important that y'all finish your smudging prayer with belief and gratitude. Know that you are shinier and brighter and all-set to confront the new challenges that await you.

Some Precautions to Follow During Smudging Prayer

1. Don't leave it unattended

Make sure there'southward someone effectually the burning sage (or whatsoever other herbs) at all times. Remember, prevention is always amend than cure.

2. Not nearly birds

Don't perform a smudging anniversary near infants or birds. The smoke is powerful, information technology can make them sick. In fact, refrain from performing the ritual effectually people with weak respiratory systems.

Smudging Yourself

If you idea smudging prayers are only for the surroundings, hither's breaking the myth: Y'all can smudge yourself also and it is as effective as information technology could be!

To do this, light the smudge-stick and fan the swirls of the fume all around you lot. From head to toe, submerge yourself in the sacred smoke. Go along your intent in mind and visualize all the negative energies leaving y'all. For example, if y'all are feeling stuck, believe that the smoke is lifting away all the blocks liberating your physical, mental and spiritual health.

Talk about good things with yourself. Here'due south a detailed dig on inner-talk to assistance you learn the fine art of talking to your own self!

Where and When of Smudging Prayer Process


The place of the ceremony does not really affect the divine benefits. This means yous tin perform the process anywhere. Say, for instance, if you are doing it in your residence, you can showtime from the front door and then move inside gradually. What's important is that all the corners of your space – the farthest and the darkest – are covered with smoke.


If I have to respond the time to conduct a smudging prayer, it's best in day-calorie-free (as mentioned in the 'additional tips' section).

With the time-interval, there's cypher defined. You must be decider about how often you want to conduct cleansing rituals at your space. Information technology profoundly varies on how much your space or you are exposed to negative energies. You can perform it weekly, bi-monthly or monthly. Some people even perform once in a couple of months. As long as you are filled with positivity, it's entirely your phone call!

Smudging Prayers Examples

There is no defined rhythm of prose that you lot have to follow. You too create something of your ain or apply one of these:

Smudge Prayer for Person

May your hands be cleansed, that they create beautiful things.

May your feet exist cleansed, that they might take you where yous most need to be.

May your heart be cleansed, that yous might hear its letters clearly.

May your throat exist cleansed, that you might speak rightly when words are needed.

May your eyes be cleansed, that you might run into the signs and wonders of the world.

May this person and space be done clean past the smoke of these fragrant plants.

And may that same smoke deport our prayers, spiraling, to the heavens.

Examples of Smudging Prayers

This can be used when you are performing the smudging prayer ritual for someone else:

Smudging Prayer for Domicile

* By the Power of the Divine, this home is blessed – Blest Be!

* Sacred and holy ones, delight clear this identify of brackish and negative energy

Examples of Smudging Prayers

It need not e'er be complex, even simple ones like:

Smudging Prayer for Negative Energy

Negativity that invades my sacred place, I banish you lot away with the light of my grace. You take no hold or power here, for I stand and face you with no fright. Be gone forever, for this I will say: this is my sacred place and y'all will obey.

Into the smoke I release. All the energies that do not serve; All negativity that surrounds; And all fears that limit.

Examples of Smudging Prayers

… tin can serve the purpose.

Sage Smudging Prayers

Sage smudging prayer (Source)

For more sage smudging prayers, click here.

Recollect the communication with God and your inner-self in the grade of smudging prayers tin can help you feel empowered. And the more empowered yous feel, the faster you will experience the solace.

Video – How to Cleanse Your Energy With Intention, White Sage Smudging, and Palo Santo!

1 Terminal Thought!

At that place's a lot of positivity out in that location, but there'south negativity also. Thus, you tin either foreclose yourself from these negative energies or cleanse it.

While the former becomes difficult (even impossible at times), the afterwards is very much possible with multiple cleansing rituals. Out of which, the ability of smudging prayers stands undefeated.